Hi, I'm Abhijeet Dhumal
Self-driven, passionate programmer with a curious mind who loves to solve challenging real-world problems.
Welcome to my page!
Hey there, I'm Abhijeet Dhumal
- I'm a tech enthusiast, passionate about innovation and creating solutions through software development.
- Currently living in Pune, Maharashtra, India
This is the place where I add stuff and break things :rofl:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on something cool :wink:
- 🌱 📫 How to reach me: [@abhijeetdhumal]
- 👨💻 Read more about my projects at [@portfolio-abhijeetdhumal]
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Degree: Bachelor of Technology
Percentage: 82%
- Embeded Software Engineering
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Database Management Systems
- Computer Architecture
Relevant Courseworks:
Higher Secondary State Board(HSC)
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Course: Higher Secondary Certification
Percentage: certified with 82.77%
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Biology
Relevant Courseworks:(Science)
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Course: Secondary State Certification
Percentage: certified with 90.80%
- Collaborated in Open-source community and projects as a Software Quality Engineer (SQE) Apprentice.
- Engaged in automation engineering by focusing on automation to guarantee product reliability.
- Actively contributed to the open-source nature of the projects and gained hands-on experience in quality engineering methodologies and processes.
- Tools: Python (Programming Language) · Open-Source Software · GitHub · Docker · Gomega · Shell Scripting · Jenkins · Unix · Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) · Git BASH · Gitlab · Openshift AI · Podman · Test Automation Frameworks · Go (Programming Language)
Start Date : 21st August,2023
- Built and restructured, robust and scalable micro-services for infrastructure as cloud platform
- Identified, Managed and alleviated number of bugs and errors in software with bounty performance of 78% .
- Tools: Python, Html, Css, Javascript,ReactJS, Git, Github, Django & Rest Framework, Postman, AWS, Heroku, WSL Linux, Shell Scripts .
Start Date : 19th February,2022
End Date : 15th December,2022
- Car black box project is an implementation of an automotive system to log mostly 3 critical events
- Designed micro-controller based systems in order to automate various tasks with Embedded C.
- Tools: Miscellaneous Technologies : Embeded C, Micro Controller X-IDE, PIC-18 controller
Start Date:20th Oct,2021
End Date:15th Dec,2021
- Participated and co-ordinated, as Electronics team department head in SAE SUPRA competition (May 2021-May 2022)
- Ranked among the top 0.1%, of students appearing for the university 1st and 2nd year engineering exams.
- Patent and Paper published : ’IOT based Automatic Security Surveillance and Parking Management’, technical poster
- Co-ordinator of college 'EESA' club
- Co-ordinator in college 'Extempore and Elocution club'.
- Member College 'NSS Team'.
Programming Languages known and worked with

Embeded C





Libraries and Frameworks

Gomega Test framework

Robot framework

Django & REST Framework


Miscellaneous Technologies

Openshift AI

Containers & Kubernetes


Data Structure & Algorithms

OOPs Concepts

Git & Github

Heroku & AWS
Operating Systems



Automatic Security Survelliance System
- An automated hardware and software based IOT Request/Response model application that
provides web based user interface for authentication, parking slot appointment booking and database
integration flow which reduces human efforts by 60% .
- Tools: Miscellaneous Technologies : ReactJS, Python, Django & Rest API framework, Postman, Jinja templates, PostgreeSQL, AWS, ESP32 wifi module, Arduino controller

HealthBuddy (Full-Stack WebApp)
- User authentication flow for (Users : Admin, Doctor, Patient)
- Apointment and slot booking
- User specific notifications
- Blogs created by Doctor user, readable to patient (Differential User flow).
- Tools: Miscellaneous Technologies : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django & Rest API framework, Jinja templates, PostgreSQL server.
Built more than 15 features including :
Car Black Box(Embeded Systems Internship project)
- Car Black Box implementation of an Automotive System to log mostly 3 critical events.
- This will help in pro-active vehicle monitoring and maintenance with efficiency increment of 10%.
- This is a car black box project implemented on a PIC18F4580 micro-controller board using xc8 compiler. It can store the data log of last 10 events into the internal eeprom. The data is about a vehicle which includes changing of gear, collision and other events like change of password, change of time, downloading & clearing of logs.
- Tools: Miscellaneous Technologies : Embeded C, Micro Controller X-IDE, PIC-18 controller
- The user-friendly general reference tool - delivers general reference collections of books and control on management of students lend ,customers order and much more, implemented backend using api's designed to support every range of user, including students, customers and professional educators.
Tools: Miscellaneous Technologies : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Django, Jinja templates, MySQL

Automatic covicare device
- This project aims to design the Automatic Sanitizer Dispenser for medical healthcare. To make this process automatic and efficient, this idea came into existence. This project is much helpful in the pandemic situation where user can easily identify the symptoms of the COVID-19 from there safety of home. This project is highly cost efficient so anyone can afford it.
Tools: Microcontroller, sensors
Applications : as a automatic sanitizer dispenser,temperature and pulse oximetric sensor